Privacy Policy

LockDown VPN places high value on your privacy and takes all necessary measures to protect your personal data. Our commitment to this is clearly reflected in our Privacy Policy, which describes how we collect, use, and safeguard your information.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your data or our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at

Information Collection:
LockDown VPN aims not to collect personal data. We do not have access to your data, do not store, transmit, or use it for personal purposes. This demonstrates our serious approach to protecting your privacy.

Definition of Personal Data:
In accordance with applicable data protection laws, such as GDPR, personal data is information that allows the identification of a specific person. This can be both direct and indirect information.

Information Collection Practices:
LockDown VPN adheres to the principle of not collecting personal data. We respect your privacy when creating our applications. It is important to note that information about you may be stored on third-party platforms.

Functionality and Data Usage:
Our application provides a wide range of features, including a password manager, IP address check, email leak control, and VPN service.

Your Rights:
You are not obliged to provide us with any personal information, given our non-collection policy. However, certain data may be required to provide you with our services.

Age Restrictions:
LockDown VPN is intended for individuals aged 13 and older. If you are aware that individuals younger than the specified age are providing us with their data, please inform us.

Privacy Policy Updates:
We regularly update our Privacy Policy to comply with changes in laws. Significant changes that affect your rights will be notified via email.

Preferences and Inquiries:
If you do not agree with the changes in our Privacy Policy or have any questions, please contact us at
Your feedback is important to us and helps us maintain a high level of privacy.